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How to monetize your time

Reward YourSelf with Dollars:

Howdy, are you ready to Monetize your Idle Time during this covid19 pandemic problem? See how inside.

Howdy, Dear fellow netizen

If only you can and will:

1. Click and Register yourself HERE. (Only clicking without registering will not work!). You must have your own link similar to mine:
Just follow your common sense, it is as easy as ABC. Got problem registering? You've got my FaceBook link down there, let's get connected and let me help you via FB messenger.

2. Then Do these to make money and you don't have to exactly in the same order. Just do them from what you feel easiest for you first and follow next etc until you do them as many as possible:

3. Refer a friend and earn $20 each.

4. Earn $2 per unique click.

5. No3 & No4: Share on Facebook, Share on WhatsApp, Share on Twitter, Share on Instagram, Share on VK, Share through SMS, Share on Pinterest, etc what have you - with ready prepared text for you to Copy Paste and share it.

6. Earn $40 Per App Installs.

7. Earn $50 Per Survey.

8 Earn $50 recording video and upload them each to various social media of yours (copy paste tutorials are provided).

9. ETC.

Are you ready to make money rather than lingering around?

The most important opening decision to make is: Register your self to open your own ways to make money while being idle caused by Corona Virus pandemic problem. You can use your name or nick name or like mine is actually a shortened version of my long name, etc.

So, sorry please forgive me to provoke your financial urgency - I hope you are not a NATO person: No Action THINK Only.

Register yourself HERE now. Or is the same.

Dear fellow netizenFor your Working From Home tools which one of them is how to get traffic to share your link virally, please SUBSCRIBE to my BLOG.

And after you register yourself, then please feel free to grab every body in the house join in via your given registered link. Thank you and see you in the inside,

Yours sincerely; Widjaja for our better living with passion while stay away from corona virus covid19.


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